Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Carrying Jamie at 7 months.

Jamie was born on the 11th of November 1997.

Hello there.

Jamie and I.

Getting a wipe. Papa was so happy to get "wee-ed" on.

Mummy also wiped him to freshen him up.

My sweet little fella'.

There was not much else we could do for him except hold him and make things as comfortable as possible.

Going for a walk in the nursery.

Jamie had to be fed through a tube, and even then he took so very little as he could not digest very much.

After a few days his lips got very dry as he was taking in so little; he was too weak to complain.

When out of his incubator we tried to keep the oxygen tube close to him.

Quietly resting.

My son.

Letting him know we were near.

As the days went on, he grew a jaundiced, again as he was not taking in enough fluid.

Getting his hair brushed. He would lose his life just a day later.

Our last goodbye.

Jamie's final earthly resting place.


Blogger EAP, ELT, Applied Linguistics said...

This real story is very touching. You truly love your son and treasure every moment you spent with him. The fact that you still love God despite the disppointment will indeed touch many hearts.

12:02 AM  
Blogger EAP, ELT, Applied Linguistics said...

This real story is very touching. You truly love your son and treasure every moment you spent with him. The fact that you still love God despite the disappointment will indeed touch many hearts.

12:04 AM  

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